PSI XI 1200 bis

Trismegistos: 63460

Transcription from: Lincoln H. Blumell and Thomas A. Wayment, Christian Oxyrhynchus: Texts, Documents, and Sources (Baylor University Press: Waco), 2015, pp. 285–287. Blumell and Wayment's transcription was compared with high resolution photos to confirm the readings. Suggested reconstructions in notes and line translation are my own.

Fragment 1


  1. [...] ̣ν ἔσχατ[...]*
  2. [...]μα ̣ωμε̣[...]
  3. [...]τὰ πρῶτ̣α̣[...]
  4. [...ἔ]σ̣χατ̣α ὁ θ(εὸ)ς[...]
  5. [...]ποιω ἐκ τ[...]*
  6. [...]των εὕρεν̣[...]*
  7. [...]τὰ πρῶτα[...]
  8. [...]τ̣α νῦν εστ[...]*
  9. [...]ποι τ ̣[...]
  10. [...]θ(ε)ῷ κ ̣[...]*
  11. [...]αρτι ̣[...]
  12. [...] ̣ιω[...]
  13. [...]ε̣σ̣[...]
  1. [...]ṭhe las[t...]*
  2. [...]... ...[...]
  3. [...]the firṣṭ[...]
  4. [...l]ạsṭ. The G(o)d[...]
  5. [...]made(?) out o[f...]*
  6. []em(?). He fouṇḍ[...]*
  7. [...]the first[...]
  8. [...]... now ...[...]*
  9. [...]... ... ̣[...]
  10. [...]to God aṇ[d...]*
  11. [...]now ̣[...]
  12. [...] ̣...[...]
  13. [...].̣.̣.̣[...]

The text is too fragmentary to produce a running translation
